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Embarcadero® DB Change Manager® XE6 is an essential database change management tool for DBAs and data professionals. It uniquely offers automated compare and synchronization capabilities to simplify change operations. Rapidly identify changes, streamline upgrades to new releases and pinpoint environmental differences resulting from changes at the data, schema and database configuration levels.
Quickly Roll-out database changes
Ensure database synchronization by using a live-to-live database compare as a basis for obtaining a list of changed objects, and a change script to roll the changes forward. Capture a snapshot of the target before you roll changes forward, so that you can roll back a schema change if necessary. Deep support for DB2 for LUW, Oracle, SQL Server and Sybase leverages DBMS-specific features, objects, options, and syntax.
Reveal, Track and Report how a database has changed
Reveal and report on changes to packaged application databases resulting from vendor patches or customization. Uncover abnormalities in the database that result from improper change, which might impact production performance or functionality. Notify yourself or your colleagues when a particular portion of the database has changed: for example tables for data modelers, stored procedures for developers,
Comply with Database Audit and Reporting Requirements
Identify and report on changes to the database at or between points in time, or to particular sensitive objects: ad hoc or on a regular basis. Audit database configurations against established standards to minimize the vulnerability of your databases.
Protect Data Privacy
Shuffle or randomize columns in a data compare with an auto-synchronization job. De-identify data in the production environment and quickly migrate the masked, yet realistic and fully functional, data into Development, Test and QA environments.
Mitigate Organizational Risk, Align with Data Governance Principles
DB Change Manager's ability for database synchronization and capability to identify and report on changes to the database between points in time both help organizations comply with database audit and reporting requirements. Organizations can protect data privacy with data masking and mitigate organizational risk by using DB Change Manager to reveal, report, and notify changes to critical databases configurations. You can also restore databases to a secure point in time with DB Change Manager's alter scripts.
275 Battery Street, Suite 1000
San Francisco, California, United States
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